Anime and furry artist, I can draw both human and furry together. I can draw cartoons too, but I'm more on anime side. Will post NSFW here too, and soon, animations too.



Joined on 11/22/21

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Crescent-Moon20's News

Posted by Crescent-Moon20 - 4 days ago

It's been really a long time since I last check here on Newgrounds and my other accounts too. I haven't posted anything except 1 for last year. Thing is, I've been busy a lot at work, and even don't have the time to post my art, I ended up forgetting to post them. I've been very stressful from work, and tried to find a way to relax and get plenty of sleep too.

That's not all, last few months ago, I had a heart problem that caused me to palpitate and nervous. It wasn't easy for me and I was unable to work for 2 weeks as I am trying to recover. Used my savings with me just so I could be treated and thankfully, I recovered.

I'll try to post here once again, and I hope to get back to sharing what I drew that I wasn't able to post.

Posted by Crescent-Moon20 - June 21st, 2024

It has been like 6 months and I barely post anything here, I've never been this inactive and I would usually like to share my arts and even my OCs a lot. I just looked back at my account, and saw that I just posted 1 drawing for this year, and that's just a gift art for my friend, nothing else. Although, I have been checking a lot on X or Twitter to see news. One thing I could say about my current condition would be this drawing from Serge Birault: link.

Beside that, my work kept me busy ever since New Year of 2024 so I barely draw, and because AI is everywhere, I couldn't fucking find a good reference for me to study on my free time just to practice drawing again, it's bullshit and it frustrates me. And what's worse is my aunt died on April 2024 because of cancer making me feel even more distress, it is difficult to accept and hard to move on since my aunt is good and helped whenever I need something that needed to be done.

That's all and I'm just going to post my update that I'm not dead, but just having difficult time.

Posted by Crescent-Moon20 - September 22nd, 2023

Here to celebrate Madness Combat, still thinking what kind of drawing I'll do.


Posted by Crescent-Moon20 - September 9th, 2023

I'm discharged from the hospital, and got back home. Still feeling weak.


Posted by Crescent-Moon20 - September 1st, 2023

*Sighing depressingly.* I've been inactive for like 2 months now, and thought of continuing it until AI is over or idk when this will be truly regulated. It has affected all industries, and even jobs too. Some people think that scraping your content is ok, which is bullshit, I fucking hate this year, it's more worse than my previous years.

Aside from that, my father got into accident last month ago. He and my mother were traveling from our home to our small shop that is 10 kilometers away from our apartment. On their way, there's a goat on the road so he tried to avoid it, but he still ended up getting accident. Luckily, people there helped my parents and went to the nearest barangay and hospital. My mother didn't have much injuries, but my father has more wounds since he tries to save my mother. I got a call from my aunt about it, but she reassures me that my father is ok. We didn't told the accident to our grandmother because we don't want her getting stressed because of the accident.

Now it's September and my birthday is also close. I was told by the nurses and doctors that I can go home and will be discharged by next week. I'm not sure what I'm going to do next but thinking of getting a part-time job even though I have a full-time job with me. I don't get much commissions anymore so I'll try to get a part-time job whether it will worsen my health again or not. My incomes are low so I have no other choice but to work harder.... And maybe not dying... idk... I'm so stressed of everything and very sad at the same time.

Posted by Crescent-Moon20 - August 11th, 2023

It's been a month now and I haven't posted anything here, mainly I wanted to just see what my friends are doing without interacting with them. I haven't even seen what they posted on their gallery either as I've been away for just a month. It's not hiatus I'm doing, it's just that I wanted to... I don't know... stay dead or stay out of the Internet until it collapse soon? Anyway, life is fucking sucks right now.

*Sighs* I wanted to send my friends a DM here or in Discord, but I just thought maybe not, and those friends I trusted is that I just don't want to bring any AI news to them thinking that I'm just wasting my life, they might just say to me "adapt or die."

I don't even know if they're seeing the strikes by WGA, and SAG-AFTRA. And then came Disney animators and now the VFX artists from Marvel have joined the strike. What's going to happen now? Maybe a war? I'm afraid it might happen, but if this AI stuff won't be regulated, then what is left of the people like me? Dispose? I don't know... it's a cruel world I have.

This year is fucking suck, and it's also suck being an artist, plus I didn't even get to finish my college either. My non-artist job maybe good, but I don't get paid enough so I'm struggling and trying to save much as I can. It's hard... it's fucking hard....

I don't know when I'm going to post art again too. Maybe or maybe not, I don't know and I just couldn't think straight with what's happening in this world.

Posted by Crescent-Moon20 - July 7th, 2023

After venting on my last post, I didn't want to talk to my friends, and I thought to myself that they started to hate me. Thing is, I'm starting to lose trust to people whom I befriended with. I guess it is time for me to silence myself; When I say that, I'm not going to reply their comments, DMs, or whatever communication they can reach me. I'm very frustrated, very sad and very depressed. It's like they're even stabbing my backs, and thinking I'm just a worst person that they ever met. I'm probably alone once again.


Posted by Crescent-Moon20 - July 3rd, 2023

When I sometimes visit DeviantArt, I lost interest to browse good arts there, and I even wanted to commission artists there to draw my OCs for me. Now it's just filled with AI art... these people who post their content wanted quick money and popularity to gain benefits for their own. And even if you try to tell them to pick a pencil, they won't care. They'll use these AI generators and post it on their gallery as if they made it for themselves when they just prompt it, and even have the audacity to do an art trade. Would you willing to do an art trade to a person who uses AI gens to "make" their own art?

Few of my friends there at DeviantArt seem to like AI art, mostly NSFWs of thicc girls. I feel sad and depress knowing that they like it and they think that it's all good and there's nothing bad on AI art. My friends even fave it. I think few of my friends don't know what is powering these AI art gens, I don't have to explain to them and felt more depressed thinking that I should adapt it or get left behind.... That's just hurt me even more. I felt like my friends betrayed me... again....

I've stayed at DeviantArt for so long that I don't call it a home anymore. I really want that garbage site to get shutdown soon enough.... Sadly, Artstation is also the same, the professional artists there that I used to know deleted their works and accounts because of AI art. And like them, they also want Artstation to get shutdown or fall; possible to sue them too I hope. I don't know why am I still living in this dreadful world, and I really don't know if the government would take any actions against the people who are building these AIs.

I am still trying to get to use Newgrounds but I will say it's more easy and manageable than DeviantArt, I hated when they changed their layout to Wix and it has so many bugs and the chat is also crappy.


Posted by Crescent-Moon20 - June 18th, 2023

I know I'm slow to post my art, but I'm still alive and trying to recover too.


Posted by Crescent-Moon20 - June 6th, 2023

...yet fighting for as long as I can. So many problems...